- 07/23/2015 - July 2015, we provided ERP System support services for a Hong Kong famous Pharmaceutical company.
- 07/23/2015 - 2015年7月 我司为香港知名药厂提供企业资源管理技术支持。
- 05/23/2015 - May 2015, we helped Hong Kong Non Profit Organization to develop a back office management system.
- 05/23/2015 - 2015年5月 我司为香港知名慈善机构建立管理系统。
- 02/23/2015 - Feb 2015, we implemented and upgrade email system for one of Asia largest Exhibition companies.
- 02/23/2015 - 2015年2月 我司为香港最大展览公司建立邮件系统。
- 12/23/2014 - Dec 2014, we provided ERP consulting service to one of Asia largest Exhibition companies.
- 12/23/2014 - 2014年12月 我司为 香港最大展览公司提供企业系统顾问服务。
- 10/30/2014 - Oct 2014, we helped Hong Kong famous real estate companies implementing record management system.
- 10/30/2014 - 2014年10月 我司为香港知名地产公司开发文件管理系统。
- 10/25/2014 - Oct 2014 , we helped China well-known Bank to implement security system.
- 10/25/2014 - 2014年10月 我司协助中国知名银行的系统保安应用上线。
- 12/23/2013 - Dec 2013, we implemented IBM AS/400 based disaster recovery software QUICK/EDD for one of large Japanese manufacturing Enterprise in China.
- 12/23/2013 - 2013年12月 日本在华大型制造工厂采用我司独家代理的QUICK/EDD 容灾软件。
- 10/23/2013 - Oct 2013, we helped global well-known logistics company to build supply chain management system.
- 10/23/2013 - 2013年10月 我司为全球知名物流公司建立客制化物流系统。
- 12/01/2012 - ISLAND成功地为被公认为是中国最吸引眼球的公司之一建立人力资源和Microsoft Active Directory之间的数据交换系统。
- 12/01/2012 - ISLAND successfully built a data exchange system between HR and Microsoft Active Directory for one of the most recognized eye-wear companies in China.
- 11/15/2012 - ISLAND成功地使用Quick-EDD解决方案为香港一家著名的船运公司的高可用性项目。
- 11/15/2012 - ISLAND successfully implemented a high availability project using Quick-EDD solution in a well known shipping company in Hong Kong.
- 07/15/2012 - ISLAND为香港的一家最知名的钢铁企业成功实施了在IBM i系列中档电脑中建立虚拟机环境。
- 07/15/2012 - ISLAND successfully implemented a virtual machine environment in IBM i-Series mid range computer in one of the most recognized steel companies in Hong Kong.
- 07/01/2012 - ISLAND为香港一家著名的电池制造商成功实施了OEE的增强项目。
- 07/01/2012 - ISLAND successfully implemented a OEE enhancement project in a well known battery manufacture in Hong Kong.
- 05/01/2012 - ISLAND成功在香港的一个全球领先的营销公司实施了Exchange电子邮件项目和MBackU通信解决方案。
- 05/01/2012 - ISLAND successfully implemented an Exchange Email Project and MBackU communication solution for one of the leading global marketing company in Hong Kong.
- 01/01/2012 - ISLAND成功地获得了一家在中国经营85家工厂和员工人数超过7000人的公开上市饮料包装公司的支持服务合同。
- 01/01/2012 - ISLAND successfully awarded an support services contract for one of the largest publicly listed beverage packaging companies in China who operates 85 plants loc
- 12/01/2011 - 在上海和北京分别成立办事处。
- 10/01/2011 - 深圳办事处成立。
- 10/01/2011 - Shenzhen Representative Office was set up.
- 07/01/2011 - ISLAND成为LANSA在香港,澳门及中国南部的经销商。
- 06/01/2011 - ISLAND became LANSA reseller for Hong Kong, Macau and Southern China.
- 01/12/2011 - Shanghai and Beijing Representative Offices were set up.
- 01/01/2011 - 汇龙资讯信息科技有限公司在广州成立。
- 01/01/2011 - Guangzhou Information System Land Company Limited was incorporated in Guangzhou.
- 12/08/2010 - ISLAND became MizziSoft Reseller for Hong Kong.
- 12/05/2010 - ISLAND成为MizziSoft香港经销商。
- 12/01/2010 - ISLAND成为IBM业务合作伙伴的价值网解决方案供应商。
- 12/01/2010 - ISLAND became IBM Business Partner for Value Net Solution Provider.
- 11/01/2010 - 澳门办事处成立。
- 11/01/2010 - Macau Representative Office was set up.
- 10/01/2010 - ISLAND与IBM举办IBM Power7产品研讨会。
- 10/01/2010 - ISLAND held a joint event with IBM for Products Seminar on IBM Power 7.
- 05/01/2010 - ISLAND成为Shoplogix公司Plantnode产品在大中国区包括香港和台湾地区经销商。
- 05/01/2010 - ISLAND became Shoplogix Plantnode Reseller for Greater China including Hong Kong & Taiwan.
- 04/01/2010 - ISLAND举办了供应链计划需求研讨会。
- 04/01/2010 - ISLAND held a Supply Chain Planning Seminar for Demand Solution.
- 03/18/2010 - ISLAND became IBM Business Partner.
- 03/15/2010 - ISLAND成为IBM业务合作伙伴。
- 03/05/2010 - ISLAND成为BeyondTrust在香港,澳门及中国大陆的经销商。
- 03/05/2010 - ISLAND became BeyondTrust Reseller for Hong Kong, Macau & China.
- 03/01/2010 - ISLAND成为B-Safe Value-Added在香港,澳门及中国大陆经销商。
- 03/01/2010 - ISLAND became B-Safe Value-Added Reseller for Hong Kong, Macau & China.
- 10/01/2009 - ISLAND成为Infor-Tech Qlikview委托合作伙伴。
- 10/01/2009 - ISLAND became Commit Infor-Tech Qlikview Partner.
- 09/01/2009 - ISLAND joined IBM Power Systems Marketing Event and offerred a special package with Symark.
- 05/01/2009 - ISLAND成为Symark在香港,澳门及中国大陆地区的权力经纪人经销商。
- 05/01/2009 - ISLAND became Symark Power Broker Reseller for Hong Kong, Macau & China.
- 03/01/2009 - ISLAND成为MOTTO集团的成员。
- 03/01/2009 - Information System Land Company Limited became a member of MOTTO Group.
- 02/01/2009 - ISLAND成为INFOR LX和LN在香港及中国大陆的合作伙伴。
- 02/01/2009 - ISLAND became INFOR LX & LN Partner for Hong Kong & China.
- 01/01/2009 - ISLAND已被成功认定为IBM BlueVantage合作计划伙伴。
- 01/01/2009 - ISLAND had successfully qualified as a partner of IBM BlueVantage Partner Program.
- 12/01/2008 - ISLAND成功成为Coworkshop窗帘电子储物柜在香港和中国大陆经销商。
- 12/01/2008 - ISLAND because Coworkshop Curtain e-locker Reseller for Hong Kong and China.
- 10/01/2008 - ISLAND成为Profound Logic在香港,澳门及中国地区经销商。
- 10/01/2008 - ISLAND became Profound Logic Reseller for Hong Kong, Macau & China.
- 01/01/2008 - ISLAND已被成功认定为IBM BlueVantage合作计划伙伴。
- 01/01/2008 - ISLAND had successfully qualified as a partner of IBM BlueVantage Partner Program.
- 10/01/2007 - Information System Land Company Limited was incorporated in Hong Kong.
- 10/01/2007 - ISLAND在香港注册成立。